Classes @ Art Lab Everett
132 Bucknam Street | Everett, MA 02149 | [email protected] | 617-921-0542
Scholarships for Everett Residents with support from the Everett Citizen's Foundation
Intuitive Drawing with India Ink and Hot Wax | With Martha C-S
Monday, January 24 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | $70 includes materials
If you can doodle, you can do this - Join Martha as she leads you in a two hour workshop filled with ice breaker drawing games and an introduction to painting with hot beeswax. Learn how to draw on wax, use an electric wax writer and create lines in a variety of ways. Painting with wax offers endless possibilities. Enjoy the warmth of painting with hot wax and take your artwork home with you. No prior art experience necessary. All materials included.
Gell Plate Prints | With Sioux G.
Thursday January 27 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | $50 includes materials
Printmaking with no press - Join artist Sioux Gerow for an introduction to monoprinting using gelatin plates[known as gelli plates]. Enjoy learning a creative process that does not require special skills. Try stencils, stamps, layering, resists to create images on a variety of papers. Bring home a completed piece of artwork, mat included. No experience necessary. All supplies included.
image by Jack Energy |
Tape Together, Creative Sculpture | With Martha C-S
Monday, January 31 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | $35 includes materials
Tranquil Arts | With Karen M-B
Relax while making art - This workshop is experiential with discussion, guided meditation, and expressive drawing. The calming guided meditation is for centering. Along with discussion we will draw and create to express our gratitude and connect with others. This workshop is meant to be social, relaxing and fun! |